Electronic Hardcopy Report

The Electronic Hardcopy report displays the electronic hardcopies for one or more prescriptions in a landscape format. Prescriptions with a status of Complete, Cancelled, Amend, Hold, or Queued are included if their Fill Dates fall within the specified date range. If Fill Date is absent, the Performed On Date determines if a prescription is included in the report. Deleted prescriptions are excluded. Attachment images appear to the right of the electronic hardcopy if they have one of the following Descriptions:ClosedPrescribeIT® Prescription Electronic Copy, Prescription, Written Prescription, Adaptation, Adaptation Continuity of Care, Adaptation Emergency Fill, or Pharmaceutical Opinion. Each page of the report is dedicated to one prescription, however prescriptions can also span multiple pages if the electronic hardcopy information is lengthy and/or more than one applicable attachment exists. Use this report to generate required information for audits.

When Print or Preview is selected for the report, a progress bar will appear as the report loads. A prompt will indicate how many pages were returned. Select Yes to the prompt to continue printing or previewing the report. Please note, if there are many pages, it will take time for the report to generate. Select No to the prompt to return to the report parameters window.

You may get an Out of Memory exception error if you generated the report using the date range only or if there were many results returned. If this error occurs, enter additional criteria to limit search results before regenerating the report.